2012 seems to be the year of change...I'm not entirely sure why but it seems as if many people in our lives are experiencing major, exciting changes. From babies, to weddings, to new adventures overseas, and many more adventures with God...It's all very exciting.
Change definitely isn't for the faint hearted, albeit the excitement of something new there are definitely times of wishing for the old, for those comfy, worn out slippers that carried us through so many cold nights, for the ease of the known. BUT if we aren't willing to embrace the new we'll never take any steps forward.
I've just finished reading "Sun Stand Still" by Steven Furtick. It's a MUST read, especially when you're about to embark on a God-adventure or when you're feeling the need and urge for something to change in your life. The catch phrase of the book is "What happens when you dare to ask God for the impossible". It's challenging and inspiring - it's left me asking what impossible things am I willing to ask for, to fight for and to see come to pass in not only our life (as Sean and Sarah) but in my future family's life and in Grahamstown and even beyond that.
As 2012 unravels is it a year of immense change and adventure for you, or does it look like it's just going to be one of those 'run of the mill' years?! Lets make it adventurous, lets dream big, lets dare to ask God for the impossible together!
Anyways, just a few thoughts to ponder :-) my little expose of the week!